Lateral Ankle Sprain Free Essay Example

Lateral ankle sprain trauma is the major typical sole kind of sharp sport injury. With the time, a number of different prophylactic tactics and methods have been performed. Nevertheless, current epidemiology reveals the fact that lateral ankle sprain injury still dominates as a sport trauma due to the fact that it accounts for 14 percent of all patients coming to the emergency room. During the last ten years, the increasing orthopaedic biomechanics strategies have improved and provided a better cognition of the overall trauma apparatus. A greater majority of soccer players have suffered a lateral ankle sprain at some period of their career. Consequently, sprained ankles are the majorly traumatized joints in soccer history standing for about 34 percent of all injuries and 80 percent of all traumas in soccer players. Current paper will investigate lateral ankle sprain trauma and possible treating methods, including PRICE project, ultrasound therapy and strengthening exercises.

As a matter of fact, the difficulty with lateral ankle sprain is not restricted to the primary trauma only. Generally speaking, it causes the repeated ankle spraining, which tortures athletes, especially soccer players (1). Chronic lateral ankle instability or the reduplicated ankle sprains and the reduction of such indications as bad postural management, lowered joint cognizance, together with overall joint volatility are considered to make up to 80 percent of all soccer players who have lived though a primary ankle sprain (1).

The majority of lateral ankle sprains occur as a result of a specific rotating inward movements, which provoke exorbitant turning (which stands for the movement of a single foot towards the body) together with the plantar crease (which means that toes are partially exposing downwards) (2). It is frequently observed when some person treats on someone’s foot, when the trauma is provoked by cutting/altering ways and bad field conditions. All of such conditions are particularly important and provoking for the soccer players (1).

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Bones and Ligaments

Before searching for the appropriate treatment, it is very important to understand why the lateral ankle sprain trauma is so dangerous. Thus, the ankle together with the foot compound consists of 31 muscles, 28 bones and 25 joint compounds (2).

In fact, bones, which are know to be the most vulnerable to a lateral ankle sprain incorporated the ones that assist in forming the talocrural joint (also known as ankle mortise). They stand for tibia (meaning the shin bone), fibula (meaning the external leg bone) and talus (standing for the bone above the heel bone) (2). Moreover, a single essential ligament, which is incorporated in such type of sprains, also apposes to the calcaneus (standing for the heel bone).

There are a number of ligaments, which are characteristic to a lateral ankle sprain (2). Ligaments connect one bone to another one. Thus, ligaments, which suffer the most during the lateral ankle sprain, incorporate anterior talofibular ligament (known as ATF), calcaneofibular ligament (known as CF) and posterior talofibular ligament (known as PTF) (2). Such three ligaments together with the triangular ligament on the inner side of the ankle operate in order to retain the two lower leg bones together so that to formulate a mortise with the talus bone located under it. It provides the ankle with fixity and ability to move (2). In fact, the ATF is the typical traumatized ligament during the actual lateral sprain followed. The majority of ankle sprains incorporate the injuring of two ligaments and seldom of all three of them. It is known that traumatized ligaments not only become weaker but also demonstrate hazardous capacity to feel when the joint appears in extension, how fast it moves and all operations assumed to it (3). It is a major cause why soccer players have reverse traumas. Soccer players have a tendency to hurry back on a field and into the play without all of their protection systems performing in an appropriate way (3).

PRICE Project

The sharp period of lateral ankle sprain typically remains during approximately 24 to 72 hours after the actual trauma. Immediate therapy for an ankle sprain incorporates five constituents, which stand for the Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation (all together they are known as PRICE) (4). Typically, the PRICE therapy has to be applied to the soccer player who suffered from lateral ankle sprain both on-field and after the accident and trauma in the emergency room. Such method allows managing sharp symptoms and sharp ache.

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The primary objectives of medicating a sharp lateral ankle sprain comprise of the possibility to reduce ache, restrict the suppuration, sustain sphere of movements and allocate the ankle from the following possible trauma (5). It is a combination of Ice, Compression and Elevation methods. The typical cryotherapy method stands for the necessity to apply ice to the leg for at least twenty incessant minutes (4). There is a different method, which presupposes the process of putting ice on the ankle during 10 minutes, taking it off for the following 10 minutes and placing the ice back for the last 10 minutes. The discrete cryotherapy might considerably enhance vasoconstriction in the comparison with the typical cryotherapy (6). Thus, the discreet cryotherapy may essentially lower the level of ache already one week after the trauma. Nevertheless, the facts demonstrate that there are no curial discrepancies between the operation and inflammation between the two selected cryotherapy methods (5). Cryotherapy, which is also known as ice-cooling, allows dealing with the pain. Nevertheless, Slimmon and Bruker (2010) believe that evaporation and ennoblement can only reduce the overall ankle inflammation temporary (6). The effect can last for less than five minutes after the ankle is returned to a gravity-relying state (6). Moreover, it can result in an inconvenience and the requirement for analgesia after the utilization of the dual ice-cooling compression bandage. The foot with the injured ankle has to be elevated as high as possible with ice and compression on it. In fact, it is recommended to elevate the foot higher than the waist level in order to lower the inflammation and ache (6). The research by Lin et al. (2010) demonstrates that it is crucial to maintain the leg and ankle elevated even during the sleeping period (6). In fact, the organism processes much water while people sleep. Therefore, when a person sleeps, in case when the leg is on the same level with the whole body, the swelling and inflammation can become worse, because the leg will suffer from the increased water levels. The elevation permits gravity to operate with lymphatic system of the person in order to enhance the overall process of medication. In addition, elevation can decrease hydrostatic oppression, which allows decreasing fluid detriment and helps in venous and lymphatic resumption via gravity (7).


The facts demonstrate that moderate lateral ankle sprains are typically medicated with a help of rest and functional exculpation combination. In order for the ankle to rest, the leg has to remain stable as long as possible (7). It is recommended for a traumatized ankle to rest for approximately 24 hours after the trauma. The research by Polzer et al. (2012) demonstrated that the athlete or soccer player should omit all exercises, because his overall medication process will last longer and the injury will transform into highly serious from primarily moderate (8). On the other hand, the uninjured leg and ankle may normally function, only if there is no hazard for the traumatized ankle (8).


The protection of ankle and the prevention of ankle traumas are especially crucial for those people who are engaged in seriously hazardous sports, as well as for sportsmen who have experienced a precedent ankle sprain (8). Soccer players are supposed to play during different weather conditions, especially during the rain. It is obvious that greensward absorbs water and transforms into marsh during the game. It is a supportive surrounding for a soccer player to stuck with his boots in such marsh and rapidly injure his ankle (6). Methods of protection and prevention incorporate the usage of customized footgear and supports, specific ankle bands, appropriate coaching routines and trauma perception. The protection and prevention of repeated trauma can also incorporate other intrusions, including specific vacillation board exercises, which are used for coordination training (9). The research by Chan et al. (2011) depicted that the usage of outer ankle endurance devices, which have a form of a semi-rigid ankle orthosis or air-cast binding, allows protecting and preventing the sportsmen from lateral ankle ligament traumas, especially during such sport activity soccer (9). Soccer players who have had a precedent sprains should understand that they have to protect their ankles. Therefore, the research by Tiemstra (2012) demonstrated that the level of possible sprains can be decrease while utilizing different types of outer support, especially when the sportsmen are engaged in high hazard activities (10). On the other hand, it is important to remember that semi-rigid supports are provided and recommended for the soccer players, depending on the hazard level of their personal activity, precedent trauma status, any potential or experienced detriment of performance, as well as the delivery and value of the supports (10).

Thus, bracing is very important for the protection and the lowering of the general level of ankle sprains. The research by Chan et al. (2011) revealed that the sportsmen, who have a serious trauma history and who utilize a brace or tape, significantly reduce the possible occurrence of lateral ankle sprains (9). The research by Tiemstra (2012) supports previous facts and demonstrates that brace has positive effect on soccer players (10). The researchers analyzed three groups of soccer players, each of them had a serious history of ankle sprain. The first category obtained no interference, the second category utilized a brace and the third category received specific ankle-disk coaching during the whole their season. Soccer players who utilized a brace or experienced ankle-disk coaching underwent a serious lowering in the possibility and actual occasions of the lateral ankle sprains when compared to the first category (10). The interference methods of other two categories are different. In fact, the brace was believed to equip mechanical endurance, while the protection provided by the disk-coaching was supposed to lower the overall functional volatility of the ankle. Another research, conducted by Ziltener et al. (2010) studied the influence of braces on the prevalence of ankle-ligament traumas among soccer players (11). The sportsmen were subdivided into two categories. The first group encompassed people who had no prior ankle sprains, while the second group incorporated people who had a serious history of ankle sprains (11). Sportsmen from each category were at random asked to utilize the semi-rigid brace. Those sportsmen who had a prior ankle sprains and who utilized the brace demonstrated a lowered prevalence of ankle sprains (11). The research also demonstrated that the protection equipped by a brace was not complete, as it was not executed via mechanical endurance of the joint but via an enhancement of the overall proprioception (11). Therefore, the research is not accurate, as it does not provide answers to all questions. Dizon and Reyes (2010) pursued the most in-depth research of the influence of bracing on lowering ankle sprains among soccer players (12). Sportsmen were separated into categories in accordance to the availability or destitution of prior ankle sprains and were at random asked to choose whether to wear a brace or tape or not. All sportsmen wore he same boots, which actually allowed an essential control and protection of the ankle-support element (12). The occurrence of ankle sprain was less in soccer players who had a history of ankle sprains and who wore a brace. At the same time, there was no discrepancy in the ferocity of ankle sprains among all categories (12).

The PRICE combination allows reducing the suppuration, tuber and ache, which appear after an ankle sprain. When such problems start disappearing, physical medication, therapy and early exculpation of the ankle may be initiated. In case when the physical therapy is required, it typically starts 1 – 3 weeks following the trauma. Nevertheless, it depends on the seriousness of the trauma (10).

Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound or the usage of high periodicity sound pulses, is utilized for the treatment of acute ankle sprains. It is believed that the increasing of temperature provoked by ultrasound allows softening the tissue treatment. The research by Jaganathan et al. (2013) suggested that ultrasound can lower the ache and inflammation and help with the overall procedure of trauma healing (13). Nevertheless, the ultrasound is either non-consistent, or merely does not depict an essential discrepancy, which can be actually compared to a placebo (13). A review performed by Martinez (2010) incorporated five clinical trials (14). It investigated that there is no advantage of the therapeutic ultrasound for the medication of the acute ankle sprains (14). Despite all doses and time of medication applied, ultrasound therapy does not elevate the efficiency of treating the sharp lateral ligament sprains of the ankle joint (17). Therefore, it demonstrated no result concerning ache, inflammation and the overall aspects of activity together with postural fixity (14). On the other hand, Bekerom et al. (2012) investigated numerous trials, which incorporated 606 subjects (15). Five trials encompassed juxtaposition of ultrasound medication with sham ultrasound (15). At the same time, three trials encompassed separated juxtaposition of ultrasound with three other methods of medication (15). In fact, none of all five placebo-managed trials (meaning the sham ultrasound) revealed discrepancies between genuine and sham ultrasound medication for any trauma problem during the four-week period of time or later (15). The indications from the five minor placebo-managed investigations do not endure or suggest the usage of ultrasound in the medication of the sharp ankle sprains (15). The possible medication influences of ultrasound are considered to be small and of restricted clinical significant, particularly in cases of the short-lasting recruitment period in most soccer players experiencing such traumas (16; 17).

Strengthening Exercises

Strengthening exercises are very important. Some of the actions that can be performed by the patient during the sharp period of trauma include ankle pushing and ankle circling (18). Such exercises should be performed only within a pain-free spectrum. The quantity of reiterations and series should be chosen to each person individually. Such exercises provide anterior-posterior joint stabilization to the talocrural joint in the period of the sharp stage. The research by Bleakley et al. (2010) demonstrated that such exercises have a positive effect on the trauma and medication of such trauma (18). Moreover, the positive outcomes of treating appear earlier, if the person performs similar exercises. Exculpation after an ankle sprain encompasses particular exercises concentrated on proprioceptive education and consolidation. There is a considerable proof demonstrating that the process of encompassing such exercises is efficient at lowering possible ankle (18). All soccer players coming back to sports after an ankle sprain are supposed to take part in a specific neuromuscular coaching project, which will allow stabilizing and strengthening the injured ankle. The therapy project usually encompasses mild stretching, enforcement and other possible “proprioceptive” activities (19). As a matter of fact, the analysis demonstrated that ankle stretching practices allow decreasing density and save the ankle’s typical and normal spectrum of movements (19). Nevertheless, it is crucial for the sportsmen and other people suffering from such traumas that they should obviate ankle turning, due to the fact that it will definitely stretch the traumatized ligaments (19). Thus, ankle enforcing practices can assist in stabilizing the ankle and in the protection of the incarnating ligaments (19).

Current case study demonstrated that lateral ankle sprain injuries are very common among soccer players. There are numerous players, who have a serious injury history, which makes their lives and sports careers challenging and hazardous. There are numerous methods of dealing with such type of injury. The research demonstrated that PRICE combination is essential, as its methods are the main and the only treatment options, which help soften all influences and effects of the trauma. The research demonstrated that bends are very important for the sportsmen who already suffered from prior trauma or had numerous traumas. When they protect their ankles with special bends, the possibility of becoming an injury seriously decreases. On the other hand, some of the practitioners utilize ultrasound therapies in order to help their patents. The research paper revealed that such kind of treatment can be compared to placebo effect and demonstrates no positive effect on the healing process. On the other hand, therapy exercises are of particular importance. Some of them can be utilized during the sharp phrase, but the majority of exercises should be performed 3-4 weeks after the injury. They help stabilize, stretch and mobilize the ankle and, therefore, restore its normal activity.

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